Martu attitudinal survey Wiluna Region, WA, 2013 survey results (Part B)

Muntjiltjarra Wurrgumu Group

When the Martu leaders formed the Muntjiljtarra Wurrgumu Group (MWG) they brought together key people from the Wiluna, Bondinni, Kutkububba, Ngurra Yuldoo and Windidda communities. It was the MWG that undertook an attitudinal survey of residents to understand the opportunities for and obstacles to Indigenous employment in their region. By working together to understand what people in their communities think about getting a job they have produced a report that will change the way many Australians think about these issues.Researchers and policy makers in Australia concerned with Indigenous employment outcomes will discover in this report a unique and innovative model for engaging local residents in the challenge of closing the employment gaps. The survey involves a toolbox of techniques and activities that will be invaluable to other communities where the task of finding jobs for Indigenous people is challenging. That Martu people designed and carried out the household survey is, in itself, a breakthrough. Too often, communities are forced to rely on what experts from faraway places say about their situation, and if the residents disagree with the experts their views are rarely acknowledged. The findings of this team of local experts are critical to positive change in this most disadvantaged region of remote Australia; to ignore them would be remiss. 

This report (Part B) is not a public document and is available only through the MWG when:
• use of the data fully involves Martu participation
• interpretation of the data is undertaken in discussion with MWG representatives, and
• ownership of the data and resulting research remains with the MWG.

These conditions reflect the Indigenous rights of Martu people and are intended to protect Martu from actions that are based on an incorrect understanding of survey results. The need for Martu participation in using Part B data arises from the fact that the survey was designed, conducted and analysed by Martu and there are nuances of meaning and importance that can only be understood through their engagement and discussion. 

Muntjiljtarra Wurrgumu Group. (2013). Martu attitudinal survey Wiluna Region, WA: Survey results (Part B). Wiluna, Western Australia: Muntjiljtarra Wurrgumu Group.

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Wiluna Region, Western Australia
Muntjiljtarra Wurrgumu Group
Martu attitudinal survey Wiluna Region, WA, 2013 survey results (Part B)